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Amendment to Youth Mobility Arrangement has been announced between Canada and Australia

We would like to update that through the amended MoU, Canadian and Australian young adults aged 18 to 35 will now be able to work and travel through the International Experience Canada (IEC) program.

The upper age limit for Australians wishing to participate in the IEC program has been increased to 35 years of age, up from 30. The expanded age range will give more Australians who may be many years into their career the option either to continue that career in Canada, or take some time out by moving north and taking on more casual employment for a period.

There are three categories of participation under the program:

1. Working Holiday participants receive open work permits that allow them to work anywhere in the host country, to support their travels. 2. International Co-op participants receive employer-specific work permits that allow students to gain targeted experience in their field of study. 3. Young Professionals participants receive an employer-specific work permit to gain targeted, professional work experience that is within their field of study or career path.

During the press release The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship stated:

"I am pleased that we have agreed to amend this MoU with Australia and further strengthen the great relationship between our two countries. International travel and work allows our youth to immerse themselves in a different culture and develop life skills, all while improving their employability back home. This expanded age range will give more young adults from Canada and Australia the opportunity to broaden their perspective of the world and gain professional work experience while traveling."

 – The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship



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